Sunday, June 21, 2009

At This Point of Time

1. At present Malaysia had about 26 million of people excluding illegal immigrants underground. In the name of development changing landscape more and more people are coming here seeking for job opportunities. Just job please. In the meantime citizenship towards immigrants should no longer be given out anymore.

2. Going around the major cities we could find so many foreign workers assembling at their respective nationality spots during their free time. On the other note police to civilian ratio stands at 1:500 over and above 1:6800 for rural areas and major cities respectively based on the latest statistics. So to say the ratio stands at alarming rate nowadays for a police to handle peace and security.

3. Everyday personally we feel less and less secure particularly for woman i.e. carrying their handbag, to wear expensive accessories as well as other extreme crime acts are collectively on the uprising trend.

4. Intellectuality within globalisation, capitalism and liberalism could be hidden source of agenda empowering students to stay in their respective field limiting their understanding, knowledge and information totally off pure important knowledge rather being gradually replaced and reordered with ‘fake and transparent’ sources that makes them feel professional to drive globalisation, capitalism and liberalism of which create more harm then good . With this regard graduates must not just be graduates. We gotta lots of functions to explore, identify and disseminate hidden stuffs beyond!!

5. We are in hell-world (with regard to ‘..ism’ ideologies) now and extinguishing it hard to make heaven –like. Only sincere and credible most could do then.

6.certain big leaders of today synonymous with their influence ,knowledge and charismatic capability are not doing the best of the best at this juncture of time coz they do not make use the best of their knowledge & intelligence on how to adhere hand-on-hand approach seeing cases proactively, letting parties fighting persisting and charging at higher voltage , championing for a miniscule matters added with recessionary factors (translates into lesser work) makes many persons have so much free time acting aggressively nowadays making our country ‘looks’ like not that stable then before. All in all we could see they are all master of puppets injecting fiasco and riot in our mind. Not all maybe there are a few up there; if left unchecked our stability and safety can be jeopardize again..

7. For a simple case our disunity allowed people to purchase our water at 3 sen per 1000 gallon! Why there’s no emerging parties dare to voice out? Why aren’t the emerging leaders complaining and react over this issues that causes gargantuan annual losses to the nation?? Perhaps the contract can’t be changed much till the duration is reached but what about level-playing field? The word level-playing field must be something extremely familiar for a developed nations besides give and take aspects of which we give too much and take far too little indeed in-fact making loss

Perhaps we over-talk and emphasized on petrol retail price as compared to our other resources management .That’s totally insane selling rate considering the buyer came from very successful and wealthy country yet the basic source of water supply are being paid far lower then any other nation that are pocketing below US$1/day. To that extend ‘any other nation’ would be much richer as they have higher purchasing power in this case to pay for the water. what a shame!!! yet the ‘customers’ are making money out of the thin air by reselling . Out of 14 states in our country believe me there’s no even 1 state eligible could get this sort of business, I meant business..

8. Above all we have to be vigilant , extra careful and extremely aware for whatever contracts stated and hidden , terms & conditions that we are obligated to ensure we are not at losing streak in whatsoever negotiation and dealing sought be it individually, organizationally or nationally my friend.Don't look and expect much to settle big issues until '3 sen/1000 gallon' issues is first adjusted upward'.

Thank you.

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