Friday, May 15, 2009

Wake Up Call To Community

Last time were together
Last time we were follower
Last time we were brighter
Last time we were softer
Last time we were better either
Last time we respect leader and elder

Now going deeper
Everyone is clever then ever
Overload of knowledge and power
Thinking to topple each other
Undermining prosper and honour
Undermining our greatest creator

Tiger should roar once clear
Not twice thus destroying people ear
Should we over-speak for small matter
To kill the nations and wrongfully conquer
To sell it to other
And that is to bad to be a thinker
Then we realize we are the killer

Feel free to interpret from your own perspectives and leave me with a comment.

Authored by Muhammad Nabil

1 comment:

  1. haha. hebat la ur blog. tak sangka. haha.
    btw. about the poem u wrote (u wrote it right?)
    In my prespective (cewah mcm jawab exam) you're writing about how the people have changed from what we were long ago. How too much technology and information isn't making us better people but worse. How competition is making people fight with each other instead of helping one another.
    "A tiger should roar once clear" meaning that a person in power should be clear in his actions and make sure people know what they are trying to get across instead of making noise and destroying people's trust.

    I want to comment on your english (sorry if I hurt your feelings). Just wanted to point out to you that you could improve yourself in this area.


    ps. Keep up your efforts. You really like reading on economy dont you? All the best~ May you achieve your dreams of becoming CEO. hehe
