Thursday, December 17, 2009

Of Maal Hijrah & Snippets

First of all I wish to take this opportunity to wish all Muslims Salam Maal Hijrah leaving behind 1430 ushering 1431 based on Islamic Qamari Calendar with a new white book venturing into new year with refreshing body,spirit and soul collectively! Alhamdulillah.

As new year emerge, lists of resolutions are written, understood and empowered to further improved our actions,dedication as well as attitude as a whole in respective field that we are involved in. With that regard, we must not embodied ourselves with slogans, mission statements, doctrines just.Rather understanding well every single aspects of matters on fundamental wise cohesively; repairing the flaw as wise as possible, promoting the application of our sensory perception in addition to our 5 sensory gifts proactively towards achieving blessing and honor from Allah the Sustainer both Universally & The Day After.It is not something easy to be done fortnightly but it can be optimistically done with a little of positive charges starting by the strong people, down to the grassroots in promoting peace and order.

Interpretation and speculation perhaps we can address as 'fitnah' on mankind are extremely wild and free showing no sign of stopping yet it gets worse from day to day none other then our fault and action suffice to say with improper use of media,manipulation and subtle play of unscrupulous games that lowly informed individual,groups and clusters got into trapped and eaten on the Chess board within few steps.How could our mind can be manipulated so nicely fertile?
Very poor of that.We wish protection from you Ya Allah.

On another note in the affairs of Muslim Societies today,cognitively speaking,bullets of selfishness, act of raucousness, acting smart and bunch of tricks must be gradually decrease and be avoided while focusing rebuilding the strength of Ummah in a modern world society without undermining the origin of teaching which are now hardly hit by our "ignorance + disintegration + insensitivity + pleasing foolishly' resulting losses of everything like an earthquake. To recover possessions that were lost are not an easy subject!

Life is a never ending assignments that must be continuously Cracked & Explore, Driven, Think and Enlightened

Thank you.