Thursday, November 26, 2009

November Updates

Hello everyone. Seems like it’s been for months I did not update the blog due to various matters and activities that arise. During the time, the process undergone was awesome as somewhat like attending seminars, talk and discussion forum primarily in my hometown as well as Malacca. Seem like the world is interesting here right now as there are so many disclosures and sharing from prominent individual speakers ranging from traders, investors, consultants and gurus in the area of management and business. I’m glad that I manage to observe certain issues more closely whereby the speakers highlighting traps and opportunities, information and issues at large in many ways within the context of our environment. However, what I could do most as of now is of course just to listen. In terms of knowledge application: hang on yeah

So much of the information mostly is crucial throughout the sessions for personal improvement which actually should begin in the youth life not just when one got employed. As for knowledge-wise it is helpful to nurture application processes for the reason that generally we undergraduate were under-exposed (perhaps due to too much of theories learning) in terms of the reality of today’s rapid system .I remember the phrase from one of the speakers says ‘‘make your information worth million of dollars”. But that doesn’t meant we are allow to abuse with the information we had but referring to decision making that wholly tells that the right information can make lots of differences in the affairs of managing.

Well as of recently on a different occasion under the subject of International Business (IB) taught by lecturer by the named of Mr Thev of whom invited the consultant from Panasonic Malaysia to share about IB matters . We were fortunate and delighted to learn about Japanese culture and customs. Among the matters that were decoded are

- Be a corporate citizen I every country by respecting culture, custom and language

- Give overseas operations the best manufacturing technology the company has

- Keep the expatriate low and groom local management to take-over

- Let their own rules, fine-tuning manufacturing process to match the skills of employees

- Encourage cooperation and build strategic relationship

Apart from that, the speaker shares on about how the FDI (foreign direct investment) had benefited us here to some extend

-flow of ideas, services and capital and technology

-wider choices for consumers

-acquisition variety of products

-mobility of labour, capital and technology

-creating employment opportunities

-maximization of resources

-R&D process

Throughout the sharing above I feel that the more we develop and progress the more responsibilities we shall shoulder ahead. Briefly that’s all about I am able to write on. To all muslim brothers and sisters I wish to take the opportunity to wish you Salam Aidil Adha.If you have any ideas or feedback feel free to do so.