The Alternative Gateway Reading Resources ranging from Sociology,Commerce,Trading and Current Affairs.
"I Listen,I See,I Think,I Talk, I Ascertain, I Write & I'm Right"
Wishing all of you Happy Independent Day!!! Hopefully going forward we can attain peace, harmony and togetherness in a broader sense for greater tomorrow.God Bless Malaysia and the rest of the world. Amin..
Community Message
1. With regard to H1N1 pandemic, we can improve our immune system against being attack by consuming GREEN APPLE as well as WHITE ONION of which contain certain compounds to fightback, InsyaAllah.
2.In the meantime, besides the above-mentioned information you can go extra mile by consuming honey and dates for which I personally practice at this moment besides wearing mask at public places.
1In the first place it is not a matter of give and take issues. Generally when someone needs something beyond reasonable level he/she will borrow stuffs as a short-cut or as a last resort choice given on individual real intention in seeking assistance from. Negotiating, pleasing hard, politely bait then at last the giver tend to lend for being compassion; rather, upon possession the taker takes the stuff for good in CERTAIN cases! Judging from the situation mentioned, the term ‘borrow’ or ‘pinjam’ has been alter and abused for acquiring one’s personal property in subtle way so to say. The bottom-line is whenever you wish to lend something to certain people you got to assume that your belonging is already gone? No way, If we lend something let it there be in black and white not just words because words can be manipulated. This type of borrower is commonly a good orator and word twister indeed. SO again beware and beware and remain alert.
2Applauding / being apologetic in other words called (bodek) is another continuous terrible phenomenon in society whereby benefiting those incompetent jack-ass to be promoted, protected and attaining personal gain if left uncheck will deteriorate the performance of well experienced and skilled individual causing brain-drain as a consequences will be a great loss for any institution or organization. Similarly like assigning someone who don’t know how to swim being position as a coast-guard at the shore putting victim’s life at stake.
3Trustworthy issues and breaching at pre-contracts or pre- agreements by certain monsters@ giants backed by double standard super-power are becoming a trend spearhead driven to command and conquer whatever it takes, suing here and there, exorbitant profiteering and exploitation factors mainly making people suffering bodily and mentally resulting in foreclosure, inflationary pressure and at last linking consumerism matters together having no choice but to serve and bow towards unregulated master of capitalists. In my opinion the system of colonial introduced assigned past and modern politicians to safeguard the interest of capitalists largely as oppose to people’s interest in priority. If the politician is good enough our interest as the people will be look after both at scene and behind the scene.
4Mankind still don’t entitle to fair consumerism and rights protection thus much work and effort need to be done in order to put in-force. Solution: Gold Dinar is the answer and may substantially reduce chances of crisis-occurrence repeating over and over again onto generation next. In the meantime we have to play TRANSITIONARY ROLE and innovation of new ethical instruments in the field of consumerism,filthy interest-based trading and economic environment as a whole requiring total re-engineering. Western politicians would never ever dare to whisper to reform those systems as they are at total advantages and that is why various packages and alternatives are being introduced such as stimulus package and bailing-out financial-related companies being done steadfastly in order to retain their status-Quo and to continue colonizing without realizing that they are shifting our attention more then 360 degrees annually repeatedly through frenzy media and consistent manipulation.
5When such an obsolete and tyrannic but looks sophisticated system were in place for a century OIC countries on commercial basis unable to compete fairly and equitably with such unethical practice of ‘riba’ / interest that notably discriminate the creation of wealth among the middle-class and lower class economically speaking as oppose to the ability to create wealth out of thin air by USA which is a big brother of get-rich quick scheme in addition to desperate power-tussle. That’s the reason why when their cash-coffer dries-up yet could still function operationally! Surprise isn’t it ?
I need to complete my assignment and will continue in the next post. Do comment and correct my mistakes in case there are discrepancies
1. Nowadays people mind are boiling and transmitting as fast as lightning to assert comment, dictates point and judgement, provoking, instil hatred up to microorganism degree for whatever situation or cases that had just momentarily happen without strong justifications, confirmation and surety neglecting on macro-side the then. Thanks to the rapid technology advancement and fantastic information system whereby we can be a bit smart and genius forgoing legitimacy able to have almost don’t know don’t care type of people till a baby in a cradle with pacifier in foreseeable time-line and in-fact happening now to interrupt in the name of freedom yet self-appointing as jury, counsel or commentators. I feel we still have no shortage in such field in a mass unanimously yet many people are seeking place out there though as compared to other professions concern.
2. It’s easy to guide then to navigate which in this case talks about mounting passion and fanaticism of people who are too desperate to completely passionately expelling and dismantling orders and systems which has been in place for quite sometimes and proven effective internationally. By the way theory ,is not 100% practical and vice-versa but we cannot side-line both completely and using self and personal-interest point.In my opinion evaluation criteria require painstaking mixture of practicality ,theoretical and measuring aspects in achieving truly aspiration over the journey in law and orders that highly exposed to external changes like globalization and geopolitics realm in totality!
3. Remember that nothing can be change for good when the some specialist be it in any field whose mind has been jabbed and indoctrinate with special, imported and customised- morphine then of course there’s wavy and spiraling eye-sight occur; through my observation out there not experience please; and that is where journey for changing is going to poison further the spectrum and pulse of that person and followers. What’s worse, the fans copying the same path along the event to have the smoking high effect adrenaline without evaluating the pros and cons at first and I doubt they would know counting first,second and so on because baby is quite kiddy still. What’s more when such a situation arises that’s where their solidarity, immune system and nerve would be completely knock-out by the passers-by that they presume and deemed not dangerous and believe their valuables would not be taken away. The next day upon biological & detoxification of drug took place then only they remember gosh something’s precious was missing and completely missing and irreplaceable. I’m not so sure what the item would be anyway.
4. Philosopher George Santayana defines fanaticism as "redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim". Perhaps time is moving too fast that we the young people forget the aim and I guess we are redoubling our effort to some extend too busy occupying with bla bla bla and awaken with the word 'new', 'change', 'modify' and down the list and we struck and react unknowingly.poor..
5. If you remember the Harpic advertisement motto sounds “harpic, serahkan pada yang pakar”. It could be VERY VERY dangerous also to ‘serahkan pada yang pakar’
6. Better the not so ‘pakar’ handles in certain circumstances so we don’t have to pay too high price.
7. Take lessons and record it before it’s obviously given in front of us through sweet-talk without sugar.
8.We can repair fault and errors but will not be able to manufacture sovereign when it's lost and take ages to recover.
9. The picture shown did not meant to offend but it's genuinely and ultimately to create awareness, instill love towards the country, seeing importance of unity at higher levels consequently keeping mistakes at bay to make our life meaningful, manageable at both micro-level and macro-level outpacing calamity be it mentally and physically with blessing and guidance from Allah the eternal administrator.
Is this what we wish for FUTURE and make people of the outside see & run away ?Is the progress & development that had been financed by tax-payers worthy if we love this hobby?
We are almost got check-mate too..Differences of ideology must not threat the mouth of babies, mothers & medication of old-folks at home